Why eBooks?

   Why would I want to read an ebook? I love books — real books on paper!
   Convenience, novelty, the cool new gadget, economics. . . the reasons vary as to why someone would buy an ebook and the electronic reader [Kindle, iPad, Nook, et al] needed to view it.
   There are many advantages. You can carry a lot of books without carrying a lot of weight. You can order any of over 700,000 titles in a matter of minutes. If you don't have a large bookstore near you, you can shop from your living room.
   If you have a small apartment, you don't have to worry about books taking up a lot space. If your budget is tight, you can save money buying ebooks; they're usually substantially cheaper. The signs are ebooks are not only here to stay, they're gaining prominence daily.
   As of September, 2010, two ebook format dominate the market: mobi and ePub. Mobi is the proprietary format for Amazon Kindle readers. ePub is an open ebook format recommended by the International Digital Publishing Forum and used by the iPad, iPhone, iPodTouch, Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, Stanza, a few other readers and as of 2010 Android and Blackberry devices.
   If you choose to purchase a book [e.g. The Hangman's Companion for $4.99] from Amazon, your ebook can be read on any Amazon Kindle, your iPad, iPhone or iPodTouch [with the free Kindle for Mac app], on your PC or Mac computer or laptop [with the free Kindle for PC or Mac app] and on Android and Blackberry devices. Through a technology called Whispersync, customers can access reading progress, bookmarks and other information across Kindle hardware devices and other mobile devices.
   If you choose to purchase a book from the iBooks store, you can read it on iPad, iPhone and iPodTouch. You can authorize other household computers [using computer ebook reading software] or iPod devices to playback purchased content. If you're standing in line or waiting for an appointment, you'll find reading a book on your iPhone or iPodTouch easier than you thought — maybe even habit-forming.

Useful links:
eBook Reader Comparison Page
Why buy your iPad books from Amazon?